Social bookmarking tool is now one of the commonest method of website marketing for the big fishes and not only them, but also the small website owners looking forward to launch their online ventures. But, many people don’t know what are actually the social bookmarking tools. Even I have heard some people who understand that these tools are simply a collection of websites like Digg, Delicious, Facebook or, Twitter. Submitting your website towards these sites is not also the prime concern when you are about to talk about social bookmarking tools.
Truly, these tools are something that help you to submit your site to thousands of high traffic websites with a single click.
That’s why the websites that are designed as social bookmarking tools are not so popular among the regular web users. These bookmarking tools are great for the webmasters and highly popular to them. Websites like onlywire, IMAutomator, SocialAdr are being used as very successful social tools. Apart from saving your time, you will also be able to make your entire process viral. You can get your website virally popular with these effective social bookmarking tools. SocialAdr does that in a completely different way. They not only allow you to go viral, but also let their users provide links to you. This site has turned out to be a great friend for the webmasters. They have got a nice paying option that allows you to submit in a customized list of website built by you.
TrafficBug is another wonderful option as social bookmarking tool. Though the site is not free, but the cheap offer of $20 a month makes it very easy for a user to afford and get the job done. This website has a unique option of submitting your site and posts to RSS directories online. When you are working with a huge budget, you have options even better and exclusive like BookMarkingDemon charging $145 each month. It creates 100 accounts in different sites and starts creating a chain of backlink which looks very natural and powerful in the eyes of the search engines. If you have used this site for a few months, you will find your PR boosted up for sure. Nowadays the social bookmarking sites have become concerned about the quality of the posts and the posters at the same time. So maintaining the quality with the leading social bookmarking tools will help you a lot.
However, you shouldn’t have blind faith on these social bookmarking tools and the services available on the sites. Rather, you should check out the social bookmarking option manually as well. This will help you to track about the progresses and the changes needed to brought in the schedules and the authority of the SEO programs. Thousands of freelancing experts have been working and helping the website owners and small businesses to handle the social bookmarking tools with professional quality and dedication. You can rely on them and get your social bookmarking tools work in an optimized way for your web business.