Sticky content has become a popular concept for the websites nowadays. These posts are premium posts on websites that the owner wants to get visited by everyone surfing on the site. But you have to make the sticky content attractive, you have to make sure that the people going through it intends to like and share it with others. Actually populating a website with new referred visitors was the main concept behind sticky website content. And now, this has become a common practice for everyone owning an informative website. Sometimes the owners fail to understand the types
and requirements of a post that you can choose as sticky. Here you can find the points that you must consider before you choose one as a sticky post.
Informative posts should be sticky
Have you got something unique and special for your visitors? Do you feel the information can help the surfers in some way? If you have an informative post to share with the visitors, you can make the post sticky. Specially if the content is prepared exclusively for your visitors, I’d recommend you to put that as your sticky post. Keep two things in your mind, the information should be updated and (2) the information should be exclusive and useful.
News as sticky content
Usually the recent updates are always preferable as sticky website contents. I am talking about the NEWS articles. Usually they are highly appreciated by the visitors. They are always grabbing attention and they help a lot to gain more visitors. So, if you have a NEWS to publish, make the post sticky. But make sure that the NEWS is recent and everyone wants to know about the issue.
Special offerings
Do you have something special to offer to your visitors? May be some kind of publications? Well, this could be another great thing to share in the sticky place. Usually newsletters, free reports and eBooks are the best shares you might have included in your sticky posts. You have full freedom to show your creativity and innovation. You can easily find your sticky post getting hits in almost no time.
Summary and excerpts
If you have digital product to sell, I’d recommend a small post consisting of the summary of the product to select as your sticky website content. This won’t only increase your sales to many folds, this will also make your product get discussed in forums, social media and everywhere online. This sticky website content will work as a self promotional tool for you.
Interviews, Social & Media Interactions
People just love celebs talking about their issues. If you have an exclusive interview of anyone, you can put it in front and get some massive hits to the post. Some sites have acclaimed as most successful online hubs for their good interview type sticky posts. Choosing such website contents will help you to get bunch of visitors overnight. Choosing sticky posts wisely can easily increase the revenue to many folds you used to generate.